29 NOV 2016 by ideonexus
God is Change
God is Power—Infinite,Irresistible,Inexorable,Indifferent. All that you touchYou Change.All that you ChangeChanges you.The only lasting truthIs Change.GodIs Change. As wind,As water,As fire,As life,GodIs both creative and destructive,Demanding and yielding,Scultpor and clay.God is Infinite Potential:God is Change. God is Change.Beware:God exists to shapeAnd to be shaped. ∞ = Δ07 NOV 2014 by ideonexus
Expanding the Scope of School Subjects
We should not retreat to a curriculum advisory committee and ask, “Now where should we fit this topic into the already overloaded curriculum?” Although we cannot discard all the fragmented subjects in our present school system and start from scratch, we can and should ask all teachers to stretch their subjects to meet the needs and interests of the whole child. Working within the present subject-centered curriculum, we can ask math and science teachers as well as English and social studie...Folksonomies: education whole child
Folksonomies: education whole child
18 JUN 2013 by ideonexus
The Mathematical Image
The proof is elegant and the result profound. Still, it is typical mathematics; so, it’s a good example to reflect upon. In doing so, we will begin to see the elements of the mathematical image, the standard conception of what mathematics is. Let’s begin a list of some commonly accepted aspects. By ‘commonly accepted’ I mean that they would be accepted by most working mathematicians, by most educated people, and probably by most philosophers of mathematics, as well. In listing them as...Folksonomies: mathematics philosophy
Folksonomies: mathematics philosophy
How mathematics provides certainty, objectivity,
11 JUN 2013 by ideonexus
Solution to Russel's Paradox
An analysis of the paradoxes to be avoided shows that they all result from a kind of vicious circle. The vicious circles in question arise from supposing that a collection of objects may contain members which can only be defined by means of the collection as a whole. Thus, for example, the collection of propositions will be supposed to contain a proposition stating that “all propositions are either true or false.” It would seem, however, that such a statement could not be legitimate unles...The paradox that a set of sets that do not contain themselves must contain itself.